Why are Plastic-Free Tea Bags Better for Your Health?

According to a study released in 2019, plastic tea bags release billions of nanoplastics and microplastics in water when brewed at 95°C. Microplastics are plastic fragments that are less than 5 mms in length each but larger than nanoplastics. Nanoplastics are less than a few micrometres in diameter so you will never be able to see them unless you use a very powerful microscope. While tea bags can release microplastic, not all of them release the same amount of nanoplastics. The worst kind of tea bags that exist are the silky and classy ones. They are basically single-use plastics that will release the largest amount of nano and micro plastic in your cup and then, in our waterways. Also, it turns out that bags that are plastic-free will also contain toxic chemicals from the glue and staples. When heated, the glue will melt and release nasties that we don’t want in our bodies! The alternative solution? Reusable Tea cotton bags!

  • Favour loose tea/herbs/flowers and use reusable tea bags or strainers
  • In doing so you’re not only reducing general plastic and packaging but also lowering the amount of nanoplastics in your cup (and ultimately, our waterways). There are alternatives to mainstream plastic tea bags and our Tea Swag Set is one of them. Our tea bags are made of unprocessed, unbleached, unseeded cotton which means no nasties will leach into your favourite brew. Tip: After steeping your tea, remove your tea bags from the cup, allow to cool, then place in the fridge to chill. Apply them on your eyes for 10-15 minutes to reduce dark circles and puffiness. 


    To learn more about current (and shocking!) mainstream tea bag manufacturing processes watch the video below: