Which Swag is Best For Your Household?

Sometimes we are asked how many Swags a household should buy, and which Swag is best suited to them. If you’re just getting started Swagging, then this is for you! This is also a great reference to have if you ever decide to purchase non toxic Swags as a gift for friends or family! 

Plant-based household: If the entire fam is composed of plant-eaters, then your fridge is probably chock full with tons of fruit and veg! If that is the case, you’ll have to cast an eye over The Starter Pack. Our best seller is composed of four Swags; one long, one large and two small - all in different coloured trims to keep your fridge organised! Collectively, these can store up to 10kgs of produce per week. If you think you’ll need more than 4 Swags, you can always add individual Swags to your arsenal. The Lunch Swag is a great little bag to store your small root vegetables like turmeric, ginger, and garlic heads (just make sure it’s kept DRY and out of the fridge!). It’s also a great swap-out for sandwich bags, and can also be used for school lunches or the office! Save money, avoid plastic - it’s a win-win!

Lonely rider: If you’re riding solo and rarely eat fruit and veg but still have the fridge staple cucumber, tomato, carrot and apple at home, then The Twin Pack is a great and affordable way to trial the Swag. The Long Swag is great for leafy greens and long veg (think celery and leeks!) while the Small Swag is ideal for storing more fragile produce like mushrooms, herbs, green beans or any type of smaller vegetables! You can, of course, mix any type of fruit and veg in one Swag.

Large family: If you’ve got an entire tribe with a jam-packed fridge and find yourself with lots of slimy veg at the bottom of your crisper, then The Swag Deluxe Starter Pack will change your life and save your bank account! The Two Starter Packs includes eight Swags - enough to have your Swags on rotation - between full Swags in the fridge and Swags in the wash. The additional Swag Carry Bag is also a great side-kick for your weekly, plastic-free grocery shop! 

Don’t forget to check out our other plastic-free, fully compostable home and kitchen alternatives here!